


There are 17 products.

Showing 13-17 of 17 item(s)

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Natural tea BissKeliba

CFA2,000.00 Price

Made from hibiscus, kinkeliba and lemongrass flowers, this infusion is a natural selection with an exquisite taste specially prepared to boost your protective functions, cellular energy and ensure better functioning of your cardiovascular system.

Preparation: Infuse a sachet for 3 to 5 minutes in a cup containing 200ml of previously boiled water. Add sugar or honey as desired.

Relaxation tea Natuthé Relax

CFA2,000.00 Price

Made from Lippia Multiflora leaves, this infusion is a natural selection with an exquisite taste specially prepared for your physical and mental relaxation. Fights against mental fatigue, joint and rheumatic pains and helps you have a sweet and peaceful sleep.

Preparation: Infuse a sachet for 5 to 7 minutes in a cup containing 200ml of previously boiled water. Take preferably at bedtime or at a moment of relaxation with or without a little honey.

Slimming tea

CFA2,000.00 Price

Natural selection with an exquisite taste specially prepared to make your body lighter and more active. This infusion is an anti-obesity tea that eliminates fats, excess cholesterol, toxins and treats hot flashes.

Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Preparation: Infuse a sachet for 3 to 4 minutes in a cup containing 200 ml of hot water. Add sugar or honey to taste.